Friday, September 15, 2006

ZFS on Nexenta

This week I've played around with Nexenta. This is a neat operating system. It is basically a "distribution" of OpenSolaris, using debian-like package management system, built on the Ubuntu "Dapper Drake" release. Fortunately, it just happened to support all of the pieces of hardware in the test system, a Supermicro H8DAR-T, with Broadcom ethernet and a Marvell88 based onboard SATA2 controller.

I installed this in support of some filesystem/raid benchmarking I have been working on. ZFS seems to benchmark similarly to XFS on linux using software raid, while also having a lot of other additional neat features, like snapshots, filesystem level compression, clones, etc. With filesystem compression enabled, ZFS beats the pants off of these other filesystems in synthetic benchmarks, but I suspect that the files that tiobench creates compress very well so require very little actual IO to the disks. The other side of that coin is that if you are working with compressable files (text, html, possibly even databases), ZFS+compression might work very well for real-world performance. Granted the CPU utilization involved in managing the filesystem will be higher, but I've realized that I'd rather waste the CPU running the disks as fast as possible rather than have the systems sitting idle waiting for data to come off of the spindles. If I get motivated I may try to create a mysql database with some of our application data and do some read/write benchmarks.

One interesting ZFS-ism I ran into was the size reporting of ZFS volumes. I created a raidz (ZFS version of Raid5) with 4 "400G" disks (Which are actually about 370 gigs), which showed up in "df" as ~1.46TB -- which is the size I'd expect if all 4 of them were actual data drives. Software raid5 on linux and the hardware raid card both show ~1.1TB of space. It turns out that you don't magically gain space with ZFS, rather, the "parity tax" of raid5 is tacked on for each file as it is added to the filesystem. To demonstrate:

root@test:/u01/asdf# mkfile 2g testfile

root@test:/u01/asdf# ls -lh
total 2.7G
-rw------T 1 root root 2.0G Sep 16 00:58 testfile

root@test:/u01/asdf# df -kh /u01/asdf
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
u01/asdf 1.3T 2.7G 1.3T 1% /u01/asdf

Hoping to complete the benchmarks I've been doing and post them here soon.

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